As Father's Day nears the corner, I am thinking about my own JMH, but also, my JJH, my Grandfather, who passed away two years ago. He was a total man of leisure - a stubborn one at that, and one I hold responsible for my adoration of ice cream, among many other things. He would always joke about how Paris Hilton was coming over in her helicopter and how he was going to take her out on the town to the "Hotsy Totsy" after playing a game of tennis. He was a man who loved his simple pleasures, played tennis nearly every day of his adult life, schmoozed with the ladies at the yacht club and loved telling everyone about his garden he meticulously cared for. Above: my Grandfather was interviewed by the local paper interested in what his summer plans were. His answer: "Play tennis and live it up. Go dancing and work in the garden." And people wonder why I'm an old soul....