The Dunmore

image1 image2 image3 image4 Screen Shot 2016-01-04 at 12.53.54 PM image5 image6The closest I've come to the Dunmore Hotel is possessing a beautiful shell my dear friend Betsy brought back one Easter from her Harbour Island travels. It lives in my bathroom and reminds me of how much I want to visit the charmed little isle. It seems nearly everyone went south this winter break and I saw many posts from The Dunmore, including Amanda Brooks. Designer Amanda Lindroth is responsible for a great deal of the hotel's island allure, as featured in Coastal Living Magazine in 2011.

P.S. This post is devoted to my dear friend Betsy, who brought me my beloved sea shell and is about to give birth to a little bebe! Sending you all the love and sunshine your way! xx