2020 C&C Approved Brands

With the new year approaching, I thought I would share some of my favorite #CandCApproved brands from 2020. Full disclosure — these are not C&C Clients, however, they are brands I’ve carefully watched, have consumed, or simply adore. Some of them are tried and true staples, others are new players that I look forward to supporting this next year and beyond. Each one has impacted me in some fashion — perhaps they have brought me joy, stretched my imagination or even taught me something. Consider the below my version of the “AD 100” list.

The most successful brands, in my opinion, are those that are unapologetically authentic, visually well curated, customer-centric, and often possess that “je ne sais quoi” — the alluring “something” you can’t quite put your finger on…

Let me say that I am intimately aware of how hard it is to run and grow your own business. After all, I run my own service-based company and with my consulting work, help others grow and prosper. It is HARD. It can be depleting. It can feel isolating. You can find yourself questioning your own worth. But at the end of the day, you press on, you innovate, you educate and ultimately, you evolve and in the next moment, can just as easily feel perfectly fulfilled. I find it addicting in the best possible way.

I am most grateful for those that have helped me press on, stay creative and inspired. A big BRAVO to all that have made it through this trying year.

Alas, here are the 2020 #CandCApproved Brands:

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I don’t know if there is anything that Kate Rheinstein Brodsky touches that doesn’t turn into a cache pot full of gold, but she just has the secret sauce. Her shop on East 74th Street in New York City is full of carefully chosen objects of beauty. When I am in New York, I do my best to pop in and it’s always a treat to bring home something from her shop, especially with its fabulous green camo-floral wrapping. I’ve been loving her almost-daily store tours via Instagram and learning how her eye resonates with each piece in her shop.

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Kneeland Co.

Joanna Williams’ company Kneeland Co. has come on my radar more recently. Perhaps this is due to the recent launch of her Los Angeles-based brick and mortar shop that sells one-of-a-kind, globally sourced, and handmade home goods and jewelry. A quick peek on her Instagram and website will reveal gorgeous imagery of tablescapes and shop scenes with their patterned textiles and ceramics. I just stocked up on some Gregory Parkinson textiles myself and had a delightful shopping experience. Her online presence is clean, simple and well presented, a benchmark I will use when helping some of my clients develop their e-commerce shops.

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Patrick Mele

Patrick’s home goods shop in Greenwich, Connecticut has been on my list for a while. In lieu of a visit (thanks, COVID!), I have enjoyed following his punchy and colorful designs on social media. Seeing his work has reminded me of the importance of taking risks — and I especially love seeing little snippets of his furniture pieces at his upholsterer’s, bound for their official debut. I still have visions of a gorgeous settee from earlier this year he had covered in an icy blue wool with green welting.

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Hannah Ozburn Interiors

Hannah Ozburn shared her “new look” à la Gadabout Creative earlier this year, and I think my jaw nearly dropped when I saw. The typeface selections and color pairings are beyond chic and so refreshing. Her beautiful landing page has me anxiously awaiting the full digital reveal. Until then, I’ll be closely watching her interior design work.

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Mary Nelson Sinclair

I definitely fell in love this year with Mary and her husband, Corbin Cruise. I mean, how could you not?! There is something romantic about their “brand” as two wildly talented trained artists living their married life in the Hudson Valley with their darling daughter. I watched their Instagram live with Sister Parish a few months back and loved learning more about how their creative work intersects. Mary’s abstract paintings are like fairytales and if Santa could somehow come down the chimney next year with the Corbin Cruise coffee table in its azul patina, that would make my…life.

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Tattie Rose Flowers

I definitely spent a great deal of time this year dreaming of all the parties I would throw and attend, if I could. Even uber grand ones I would ordinarily have no business hosting! Tattie Rose Flowers played a big role in those lustful thoughts as I spent some time studying their designs. The work of Tattie and her team is just utterly dreamy. The floral design is presented in such a way that feels effortless, wild, magical and uncontrived. I could just sit and linger at a gorgeous table she’s designed for hours.

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Atelier MVM

After visiting Villa d’Este on our honeymoon, I’ve become quite drawn to shellwork and the grotto motif in design work in general. Atelier MVM, led by Matthias Vriens, creates the most exquisite shell work pieces, to include the above mirror which presides over a fireplace in Tory Burch’s Southhampton home. Each piece is so intricate and special.

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Max Sinsteden

You know that classic question about inviting anyone to a dinner table? Mine might be Maximilian Sinsteden after this year. As partner in the design firm Olasky & Sinsteden, Maximilian (a fellow Rhode Islander I should proudly boast!) took to Instagram to share his frequent Quarantine tablescapes leaving me not only hungry but inspired. I truly wanted to jump into each photograph and saddle up with the cocktails he and his beau were concocting, the oysters they were shucking and the dreamy dishes awaiting their marble-glazed Christopher Spitzmiller plates. Each table was thoughtfully fashioned with new and interesting tableware pairings — and trust me, when I say, never has a grilled cheese or tv dinner looked so marvelous.

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Houses and Parties

If there is anyone having a moment, it is most certainly Rebecca Gardner of Houses and Parties. I have been smitten with Rebecca’s work for quite some time. My visit to her Holiday Pop-up at The St. Regis in New York a few years back certainly sealed the deal. Not only does she have an exceptional eye and a knack for creating some of the most divine fêtes, she does it with a certain elegant cheekiness I so admire. The launch of her online shop, Houses and Parties, was brilliantly executed from a launch perspective, but truly, every element of the shopping experience with Rebecca only affirms her elevated standing in the customer experience space. I would literally buy a paperclip on her site, just to be delighted with the arrival of the package, with its gorgeous dust bag, hand-written note and clever box of Advil and communique. My husband gifted me with a few of her pieces this holiday and I have to say, he has no idea how well he did! It is so hard to master an experience that is not only magical in each phase, but incredibly thoughtful and refreshing. This one takes the cake. P.S. Brides! She has a registry!