The Art of Slowing Down

Since my last post, we welcomed a baby into the world, who is sweet as ever. Our hearts are so happy. We’re sleeping through the night already at 7 weeks and I’m C&C’ing in almost-full-force. Yes, it may be a lot for some, but I thrive on chaos. Needless to say, this summer has been busy. I feel like I blinked and August appeared. But doesn’t it always happen that way?

It’s a strange time we’re living in. There are so many moments where I feel like I am lacking the words in daily exchanges given all that is happening in our country. It often feels surreal. And so, I came back to this platform, which was intended to share, muse & inspire. While blogs may be a thing of the past, I will continue to use it as an escape, even if I don’t have any visitors. The mental escape is needed, more than ever.

Last Friday I took a little time to step away from work and went on a drive with a friend to the “country” in Little Compton, Rhode Island. We bopped around, both thrilled to be out of the office having a little sliver of a summer morning, and visited my favorite farm stand for provisions (tomatoes! corn!), and lobster rolls for lunch.

The morning was a nice reminder that there are still so many things to enjoy and celebrate right now. Friendships, fresh produce, sunny days, salty air and the luxury to slow down. Despite proclaiming that I thrive on chaos, it showed me that I need slower moments in my life. We all do. And that is perhaps one of the biggest lessons we have all uncovered with this Pandemic.

Walker’s Farm Stand, Little Compton, Rhode Island.

Walker’s Farm Stand, Little Compton, Rhode Island.