Getting Away From It All

It’s been a little while since my last post, in part because this summer has been fast and furious. My husband and I keep reminding each other we need to slow down, but with our respective businesses, life is busy, to say the least. We both love our work and feel so lucky to ride this wave of the home industry right now, but of course, it comes at an expense.

We had some dear friends visit us in the Green Mountains last weekend in their airstream. They have been adventuring to the east coast from San Francisco for the last two months. It was truly a bright spot in the year for me, I hadn’t felt that happy in a while — the kind of happy that touches your soul and reminds you how beautiful life is. Our babies, both born within the last year two months apart, were able to meet for the first time. It was truly a celebratory weekend and so fun to hear about all of their experiences throughout the country.

Throughout Covid, my husband and I have toyed with the idea of embarking on an airstream adventure next summer. Their visit was the added spark we needed to put our dream to fruition and so now this concept is becoming a reality. There is so much to see, feel, understand and experience in our country, from back roads to National Parks and more.

Below, a photo from my one of my favorite accounts, @womenfolk_jh — I love the spirit of the west and the sense of antiquity this account captures. Oh, and of course, please note the airstream…

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