So Long Summer

As I alluded to in my last post, my husband and I tend to a host an annual end of summer dinner, and this year’s was special given that we welcomed our friends to our new home. It’s always enjoyable to see everyone toward the tail end of the summer as the frenzy of the season can be challenging to gather everyone in the same spot.

It’s been one year since we moved and honestly, we haven’t looked back. We adore our new neighborhood that feels refreshingly “old school” with children roaming the streets on bicycles to and from school (the elementary school just around the corner), neighbors passing by with friendly exchanges and the quiet roar of the waves at the beach two blocks away. It feels safe here — not to say that Newport wasn’t, but there is something so peaceful about where we’ve landed. Secure. Most in our town are here for the school system and sense of community — with those sentiments there is a palpable sense of unity. I suppose that is the feeling we quest for when we are young and building our lives and families.

Cheers to the end of summer and more memories to be had this fall and winter.

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