Welcome to Monteverdi. I read about this property a little while ago and my mind keeps coming back to it. Perhaps you can understand why after looking at the photographs - the mere sight of that 18th century copper soaking tub made me swoon! Located in the heart of Tuscany, a midway point between Rome and Florence, the property offers both private villas for rent and hotel accommodations.
The conceptual vision for the property, however, goes further than just offering handsome accommodations among an idyllic landscape. The idea, was to draw from the intellectual and artistic prosperity of the 15th and 16th centuries in Tuscany. As we know, scientists, poets, artists and the like were responsible for their contribution to the Italian Renaissance, and today, Monteverdi wishes to carry out that prosperity in a modern world on a smaller, intimate scale. Thus, the property is an oasis for arts and cultural events, often hosting artists and scholars to lead seminars and performances for guests. Interestingly, Castiglioncello del Trinoro, the 900-year-old village that the villa calls home, happens to be the site of the only privately sponsored archaeological dig in Tuscany. (Learn more here).
With an adequate supply of Chianti, I could camp out at Monteverdi for weeks!