"The campaign is global - the dollar ain't what it used to beSwitch a franc for a dollar, you get like 1.3"
—Ryan Leslie, Swiss Francs
As a blogger, I'm often asked what I read and how I find content for my daily posts. Often, it's merely just a glimpse of something tangible that inspires me, perhaps content that I am utterly fascinated by, or leaves a lasting impression I refuse to forget. With that being said, I do spend considerable time scouring the web for material I connect to. One of my favorite reads is Ben's Blog, written by Ben Horowitz. I've always found the role of a Venture Capitalist fascinating, and Ben is one of my favorite subjects. He's known of course for his post as cofounder and Partner at Andreessen Horowitz (leading notable investments in Twitter and Skype, making 4x its investment) and his active tweeting, spunky style of blogging and engagement in the technology world.
All of Ben's blog posts are accompanied by rap songs and witty lyrics like the above, taken from his January post 'Learning from my Mistakes' with usually a slice of news or insight into recent investments or experiences in the venture capital world. So, read up, get on board, and subscribe to his twitter feed, here.