Love this photograph of Italian architect Signor Giorgio Biusos, his wife Rita and children Guendaline, Ferdinando, baby Marta and Ursula. Their classic style ketch appropriately named Chérie (which translates to "dear"), stretches her sea legs just north of Rome on the rocky coast. I particularly love how this photograph exudes such vitality, mild disarray as each subject portrays a varied expression, yet beautifully harmonious in sentiment. Not much is known about this photograph, other than the fact that it was captured by the iconic John Cowan in the 60's. There of course, is also the caption that accompanies the photograph just to the right. The last bit reads: "Able to come and go as they please, cooled by the breezes at sea, shaded in port by an awning over the deck, the Biusos are self-contained, self-sufficient in their happy family life; happy, healthy, attractive, good-humored, enjoying their boat and each other."
Joie de vivre if you ask me!