...I hope it has gold brick sundaes.
This past weekend, I re-visited my bookshelf and found the above book my Grandfather gave my Grandmother Trudy for Christmas in 1981. (I love the gift of literature - I think it's madly romantic in any form, whether it's a book of maps, a coffee table book full of photographs accompanied by minimal text or a hardcover novel). My re-discovery immediately gave me a deep sense of nostalgia thinking about the time my family and I have enjoyed in Sea Island, Georgia. It's been some time since we have visited (the resort has changed considerably since then), however it was a place we looked forward to visiting every year and perhaps part of the reason I want to spend a part of my life living in the south one day.
Time spent in Sea Island was the epitome of carefree. My sister and I would spend our days swimming to our hearts' content, searching for sand dollars on the beach, or playing shuffle board while our parents and grandparents would soak in the sun reading the paper. Afterward, my sister and I would reward ourselves with the resort's iconic "gold brick sundae" and in true southern style, a Mr. Pibb, to satisfy our thirst.
Cocktail hour seemed to always start an hour earlier when on vacation, and the adults were easily obliged. They'd sit outside on our terrace with their gin and tonics overlooking the marsh while discussing topics completely foreign to us youngsters. In the early mornings, my Grandparents would zip off on their bicycles to play tennis, and upon their return, they would ride with my sister and I in the driveway. By nightfall, we'd head to The Cloister for dinner, dancing and bingo. I would be taken by the elaborate bird cages lining the hallway of the foyer of the building with beautifully colored parakeets flooding the room with their sweet music. To this day, I have visions of dancing to Frank Sinatra after dinner with my Grandfather Jack, looking up at him with admiration as he hummed to the tune of the music, alive in his own euphoria.
Sea Island was indeed a "happy isle" for us and I look forward to going back sometime in the near future. I think it's lovely to share a destination as a family to cherish for a lifetime, whether it may be close or far from home. Do you have a "happy isle" you enjoy with your family?